
Calendar ImageFor the players who have used this site in the past in it’s previous incarnation, there is no longer a calendar page (in the way you were used to seeing) or a specific mission page.  This information is now handled in the “Calendar” and “Admins & Agents” areas which will appear as a sidebar on this page.  The “Calendar” area should be self-explanatory. Expand the year and then click on the month link to go to a mission post that includes data like the mission admin, agents, in some cases links to briefings, summaries, etc.  The pictures on these posts can be clicked for a larger image.  The missions listed from 1991 to mid-year 1996 won’t have a lot of “extras” regarding pictures or briefings.  At that point, we were using much older technology and it was a chore just to type something up.  As far as my own missions, I did mine on a Commodore 64 with a dot-matrix printer.  You can definitely see the difference.  Later on I “graduated” to inkjet printers and more modern computers.

The “Admins & Agents” area can be used to locate information about specific administrators and/or agents. The nice thing about this area is that the number next to the name indicates how many instances of that item occurs.  Quick easy way to see how many missions certain agents were on and how many missions certain Admin’s run.

The original notebook/calendar began tracking on October 1991.  All calendar entries that are based on the main TS calendar that Charles had kept are now posted from 1991 to current.  I also should have all of the most recent missions that we have done posted so the calendar is up-to-date. In addition I have also now posted sections called “Pre-Calendar” with the name of an Admin behind it.  These missions will primarily be missions that are pre-calendar but no date can be ascertained.  This section will not be a complete calendar listing of all of the missions that were run prior to the keeping of the calendar in 1991.  I will do my best to keep the missions organized by TS timeframe based on what documentation on the missions indicate.  For example, in the “Pre-Calendar-Rob” section, I have Rob’s very first mission posted.

UPDATE: I don’t know why I never thought about this before but I recently discovered that in some of our old “Plot” documents, Greg (he was something special) placed notations of certain missions along with some dates!  I have begun adding those to the calendar as appropriate.  As an added bonus, I can also use some of these to expand BEYOND the October 1991 start date of the calendar!  Plus, other players have brought to me documents of previous missions that I look to add to this section as well.  I have a lot of notes from my two player characters that I now can attempt to do some of this as well to continue to flesh out this section prior to the start of the calendar whenever I have dates to assign.    

One final item to note. The record amount of kills on a mission was set way back when Steve P. was running missions on one of his many “Sheik” missions.  That record still stands today at 4,336.  Over the years we have tried on several occasions to break that record. All to no avail.

Top Secret New World Order – Calendar

Since our group has now embarked on trying out the new rules, the primary Admin so far (Roger) has elected to begin the missions time frame at current time, which is May 2020. So to distinguish the TSNWO posts from the old game, I will make a few visual clues on those posts. I will add 2 small icons for both the new game as well as the agency used in the game that the player characters will be from, ICON.  In addition, the posts from TSNWO will be a light reddish color to the background.

Top Secret Mission Map

This new feature of our Top Secret website will allow us to see on a world map where all we have been on our missions. For our players, keep in mind that this map will only show the locations (as best as I can reflect them) that are for the most part referenced on our calendar.  If an Admin has not submitted any information for me to include on the calendar then the information will not be there for me to reference.  I know that most of us in one way or the other played on all of the published TS adventures as well as many of the Dragon supplement adventures (i.e. Mad Merc, Doctor Yes, White Out, etc.).  I have tried to locate those published missions as best as possible on this map as well.  The Purple location markers are for the original TS missions. The Green location markers are for the new TS:NWO missions we have been on. I hope our group can enjoy this addition.


The items in this section are special mission items pertaining to missions/plots that were run a very long time ago. They were quite complex and dealt with a ton of NPC’s. Whenever we refer to them (which, sadly, isn’t too much anymore) sometimes just using the phrase “The Plot” is enough to evoke memories of the complex plotline that some of us Admins have run. A recently discovered (2/18/23) update/errata for Plot II was discovered in the possession of one of the players so I was able to scan and add that link below!  Each item below is in .pdf format.

The Saga of Infinite Plot Complications
Plot II – The Wrath of Sean
Plot II – Update 92-93
Knights of Shaemon
Plane Plane Who’s Got the Plane

Agent Birthdays Listed on Calendar

Below is a listing of various Agent’s birthdays that were listed for each agent on the associated month.  Since we no longer are keeping track of this on physical calendar pages, I thought that I would just list this in this area.  I just have to say that Rob’s agent Jester having a birthday on April Fool’s Day is priceless!! The month is listed and below that is the agent’s name with a numeral to the right, which is the day of the month.