July 17, 1993

Operation: none assigned
Code Name: none assigned

Location: Richmond

Admin: Charles

Agents: Reaper, Redfire, Delta

Notes: Briefing.

Injuries: Reaper (ears)-hear on Sept 11, 1993 , Delta (ears)-hear on Oct 2, 1993, Redfire till 8/6/93

So this mission had lots of “fun” stuff going on.  On my character sheet, it has all kinds of interesting tidbits.  My reminder note of the mission was “My head’s in Mississippi, but my ears are scattered across the James River”.  I also have notes that say “Scrag the Wench” and “Sister” and “4 of Wands!!”.  This last reference, I believe was related to a group of NPC’s from Charles’ TS universe called ICON.