2000 Events

Events listed on this post may include things like injuries that cross calendar months, college courses, and selected actual “real-life” events that transpired that year, etc. I’m listing these type of events in one location since they are not specific full blown missions.

  • April 22, In the pre-dawn hours, federal agents raid the Miami relatives house of Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez, 6, at the center of international dispute and seize him. Four hours later, the boy was reunited with his father at Andrews Air Force Base.
  • May 14, The “I love you” virus disrupts computers worldwide.
  • July 25, A Concorde plane crash near Paris kills 113.
  • October 5, Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic.
  • October 12, The US Navy destroyer Cole is attacked in Yeman in a suicide attack. 17 US sailors are killed and 39 wounded.
  • November 7-8, US presidential election; closest in decades leads to legal battles on recounts in Florida. By December 12, the US Supreme Court rules by a vote of 5-4, there can be no further recounting and seals Bush’s victory over Gore.