Operation Caracas

Operation: Caracas
Code Name: Intec

Location: 100 miles into the hills near Caracas, Venezuela



Admin: Dave

Who?: Highlander

Notes: not available

Injuries: not available

Agent Highlander was hired by an agency called DSMO. In our TS gaming world, we all had several different agencies we frequently dealt with.  Chauncey, DSMO, & E.R.I.N. were generally considered the “good” guys.  On the other side were agencies such as W.S. Petroleum, ICON, The Four Horseman, Lords of Quarmal, The Fires of Roelant, Oriental Business Interests (OBI), and others.

This mission was about counterfeit Inca relics showing up on the market and being passed for genuine.  DSMO investigators tracked the trail back to an area 100 miles outside of Caracas, Venezuela.  The person they believe was in charge of this operation was Maria Hessley, daughter of a very rich Venezuelan oil magnet named James Hessley.  The oil business that Mr. Hessley operated had a sudden and unexplained collapse and Mr. Hessley disappeared. They had a huge estate on the top of a mountain in the general area of the suspected activity.  Agent Highlander was sent to deal with this issue.  The map from the estate is what is with this post.  Turns out that this mission was the first any of us have done a clean assassination.  Shortly before this mission, another agent tried to accomplish this feat in Indianapolis but failed.  On a side note, sometimes administrators need to be adept at dodging flying projectiles.