May 31, 2020


The White Queen

Riga, Latvia

Location of Mission – Riga, Latvia

Location: Riga, Latvia

Admin: Roger

Agents: Ep. I: Lucas, Nigel, Reggie, & Stan     Ep. II: Lucas, Stan, Nigel, & Justin         Ep. III:Justin & Reggie

Notes: Episode I, Episode II, Episode III

Injuries: Lucas took a significant shot for damage in Ep. II. Justin use a Fortune Point for a miss in Ep. II.

Things are heating up in the Baltic Region. Once again, the free world is imperiled and only a small group of secret agents can intercede.  The team is sent on a covert mission in Eastern Europe to locate a key player in the battle for global dominance.  Time is of the essence as the players gather intel and track down their target, all while avoiding detection from their enemies.  To preserve world peace from behind the scenes, the players must risk life and limb on their first mission for ICON: the International Covert Operations Network.

The above is from the mission module of The White Queen.  This mission was played over 3 settings (we ended up calling episodes) although the mission itself in TS time was one day.  Due to real life, agents could only play when available so no agent ended up on all 3 episodes.  All of us are still “learning the ropes” of the new TS game.